NFL won’t sign Tony Washington for having sex with his sister

Posted by Master Jack

Tony Washington seems like a good kid, and a hard worker. The mistake he made of having sex with his sister has ultimately cost him a chance to make an NFL living. Even though incest is the most grotesque consensual …


Police allowed to use GPS tracking device on civilians without warrant in California

Posted by Master Jack

A Federal Appeals Court in California upheld the ruling against Pineda-Moreno, that sentenced him to 51-months in prison for ‘conspiracy to grow marijuana.’ He appealed his sentence due to Drug Enforcement Agents sneaking in his driveway, and placing a GPS …


Evidence of the Celtics getting fucked over against the Lakers in the 2010 Finals

Posted by Master Jack

This is ‘Zapruder’ film type shit right here. For all of those who wanted to just get on with their summer after the 2010 Finals and say the better team won, or the Laker fans who rejoiced with claims of …


Top 100 NFL Players… 20-1

Posted by Master Jack

Before I reveal the top 20, it’s important to understand that football is at an all-time high as far as competition, and some of the players left off deserve to be mentioned because they are still good players. Brian Urlacher- …


Top 100 NFL Players… 40-21

Posted by Master Jack

40. Aaron Rodgers (QB, Packers)– 2009 was the season for quarterbacks with 9 of them throwing over 4,200 yards. In 2005 there were none. What we are seeing is an aerial game coming full circle with the rules that have …


Top 100 NFL Players… 60-41

Posted by Master Jack

60. Dominique Rodgers-Cromartie (DB, Cardinals)– Certainly has the aptitude to be an elite corner in the league. A pro-bowler in his second-season, Rodgers-Cromartie has great breaks, size, speed, and fluid hips that the former 1-AA standout out of Tennessee State …


Top 100 NFL Players… 80-61

Posted by Master Jack

80. D.J Williams (LB, Broncos)– Williams in his 6-year career has never made a pro-bowl, but in no way does that take away the value he provides for a defense. He excels in coverage from the linebacker position, and racks …


Top 100 NFL Players… 100-81

Posted by Master Jack

The criteria for determining this list is simply based on which player gives a team the best chance at winning this up and coming season. Quarterback is universally considered the most important position and it is., Even though a player, …

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