Curt, stay away from Celtics games especially when your a Steelers fan. And tell your daughter to pay attention
What was the crowd doing? I couldn’t tell you, I wasn’t there. But I do know that place was not nearly loud enough to make it miserable for LA, who was already uncomfortable from the start. From my guesstimation most of that noise was coming from a good allegiance of fans who probably make up 40-50% of the crowd. While the rest of them are texting, or updating their facebook status ‘I’m at the game, look for me on TV.’ Or not even in their seats instead taking pictures in front of the Boston Celtics logo by the concession stands while the game is getting started.
True story; While I was at a Celtics vs. Clippers game this season they did their trivia question for a prize promotion they do every game. A gentleman wearing a nice Celtics jacket over a Rasheed Wallace jersey, who kind of looked like he had a deep admiration for the Boston rapper Stain, or whatever his fucking name is. Was given a series of clues that consisted of, which Celtics player is from Philly, he attended North Carolina, and I think they even showed his likeness with the removal of his face. Dude didn’t get it until the fans shouted it to this idiot that the answer was the guy whose jersey he was wearing. And he wins loge seats for the next Celtics home game with no consequence for being a moron.
Those are the fucktards attending these games. I guess that’s what happens with every local hot commodity where the upper-class buys it out and they’re not actually there to embrace the event with an understanding of what’s going on. They’re there to say they spent $1200 and went to the Playoffs, or whatever to indicate their societal status.
It happened with the Patriots, and it happened with the Celtics to the point what was once ‘The Jungle,’ in the Pierce-Walker era, and 2008 season, is now a garden, no pun intended. The majority of fans that go to these games weren’t hyperventilating the night of the NBA Draft Lottery which the top two picks, at the time, would assure a franchise player. They weren’t even interested when the trade for Garnett was completed. They became interested when the Celtics were the hot ticket in town, sort of like how it’s cool to move into a former ghetto after it is completely gentrified and it’s the new trendy spot to have a condo at.
What can you do? Play the game of course. Tonight both teams struggled, Ray Allen’s performance was like one of those features in a tabloid magazine that show celebrities without make-up and they look disgusting. Kobe
shot poorly but hit some very difficult shots to help catapult his team to the victory. And Bynum’s toughness inside is making the Celtics pay for not eliminating second-chance opportunities for the Lakers.Kevin Garnett, the constant that is Rajon Rondo, and the bench play gave the Celtics a good chance to win this game. Boston hasn’t seen a bench put an ass-whooping on a team like that since the Pedro-Zimmer brawl. Glen Davis was Pedro, and Lamar Odom was Zimmer’s torso.
In the end Derek Fisher, Kobe, and the refs came through to get the essential road win LA needed to swing the series in their favor.
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